A new batch of updates have gone live on our app for content teams! This month’s updates are built on a lot of really insightful feedback from users like you. Keyword research tools are more dynamic and user-friendly as a result.
Also new this month: the app has a (somewhat) new (new-ish?) name! More accurately: it’s been renamed. (Possibly been un-named?) Fear not! All will be explained in this app update.
Richer, interactive keyword data
We’ve heard your amazing feedback on our new keyword-focused tools and we're extending that feedback throughout the app. Now, anywhere the app surfaces keywords, you’ll be able to:
- See monthly keyword volume. We combine multiple data sources to give the most accurate estimate possible.
- See many more keywords. The previous version of the app analyzed 10 keywords per page. The new version integrates 1000!
- Sort, paginate, export and beyond. We’ve made it much easier to navigate keywords and to export just the ones you care about.

More on topic research
We’ve continued tweaking our latest tools, Topic Explorer and Topic Reporting – making it easier to do deep keyword research and report on topics over time via clicks and impressions.

These are still in beta but if you’re curious to try, respond to this email and let us know. As always, we’d love to hear what you think!
Same app, new name
We’ve run ércule as an agency for almost a decade now. Today, the agency and the app work hand-in-hand for many of our customers. To maintain consistency between the two, we’re now saying goodbye to “Ottimo” in favor of “The ércule app.”
Rest assured, everything you love about the app remains the same. ✨